Instrument List

Instrument List is a collection of any class in RiskQuantLib, it behaves like list in python. However, the difference is instrument list is defined for each kind of instrument, any change to one won’t influence the others. For example, bond will have bondList, stock will have stockList, if you build a new instrument called pandaBond, pandaBondList will be created, too.

Any Instrument List has an atrribute named all to hold its elements. It also owns default function to allow you to add new element into this list, such as addBond and addBondSeries. With these function, you can add a single bond object into this list or add several bonds into it.

Instrument List allows duplicate elements. You can add one element twice.

Usually, Instrument List will inherit from RiskQuantLib.Operation.operation.operation, which is a class containing all kinds of operations that can be done to list. You can read Operation Of List to know details.

Useful functions of instrument list includes groupBy, filter, execFunc, apply, join, merge, sort, etc.

It is necessary to introduce some important properties of instrument list here:

Add Element

If pandaBondList is an instrument list, you can add instruments by using addPandaBondSeries function:

listA = pandaBondList()

You can also add one element by addPandaBond:

listA = pandaBondList()

Notice: The name of add function will change if you build different instrument class, for example, if you built an instrument named samuraiBond, this function will be addSamuraiBond.

Mixed Index

For python list, you can index an element if you know the number of its position, for example, listA[2] will give you the third element. However, in RiskQuantLib, index can be the number of position, or the value of code attribute of that element, or any attribute name, or a list of value of code attribute, or a list of attribute name. For example:

rqlListA = stockList()
rqlListA.addStockSeries(['A','B','C'],['TC US','HU China','JI UK'])
rqlListA.setIssuer(['A','B','C'],['Tencent','HU JI FA','JIK&'])

# This will give you the third element
theThirdElement = rqlListA[2]

# This will give you the first stock whose code is 'C'
theThirdElement = rqlListA['C']

# This will give you the last element
theThirdElement = rqlListA[-1]

# This will give you the first two element
theFirstTwoElement = rqlListA[:2]

# This will give you all the elements whose code is 'A' or 'B'
theFirstTwoElement = rqlListA[['A','B']]

# This will give you a list whose element is the value of attribute issuer
theValueListOfIssuer = rqlListA['issuer']

# This will give you an dict whose element is the value of attribute issuer and name
theValueDictOfIssuerAndName = rqlListA[['issuer','name']]

You may ask, what if the value of attribute code is the same with some attribute name? Well, the best practice is not to let this happen. If it happens, RiskQuantLib will treat it as the value of attribute code, and gives you an single element whose attribute code equals this value.

Set Function

Set function is a series of function used to set values of instrument list. As you see above, we used rqlListA.setIssuer(['A','B','C'],['Tencent','HU JI FA','JIK&']) to set the value of issuer attribtue. This function has two parameters, codeSeries and issuerNameSeries, when you passed the value of these two series, they are used as a dict. In this example, stock ‘A’ is related to ‘Tencent’, stock ‘B’ is related to ‘HU JI FA’. Here, the length of passing paramter of set function do not have to be the same with the length of instrument list. RiskQuantLib will skip those elements whose code are not in the passed codeSeries.

Addition And Substraction

You can add or substract a instrument list to another, by:

rqlListC = rqlListA + rqlListB
rqlListD = rqlListA - rqlListB

After this, all elements in B will be added to A or deleted from A. However, any attribute of A won’t be kept in C or D, only elements will be changed. If you want C to keep the attribute of A, you should use:

rqlListC = rqlListA.copy(deep = False)
rqlListC.setAll(rqlListA.all + rqlListB.all)


If rqlListA is a stockList, and in RiskQuantLib.Instrument.Security.Stock.stock, you defined an attribute function like:

class stock(base):
   def calTradingAmount(self):
      self.tradingAmount = self.tradingPrice * self.tradingShare

If you need to iterate all elements and call this attribute function, you should use execFunc like:


This is totally the same with:

for element in rqlListA:

You can also call it with parameters, like:


This is totally the same with:

for element in rqlListA:


If stockListA is a stockList, you want to select all elements whose name contains letter ‘HG’, you can do it like:

selectedElements = stockListA.filter(lambda'HG')!=-1)

Here, filter is a function to select those elements you need, you can pass a function to it, and it will return the elements which are justified as True by the passed function.